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Found: 3 journeys matching your route between Aiguafreda (Barcelona) to Vic (Barcelona)
- Precision: 95 %
- Regular journey between Plaça Major, Ctra. de Ribes, 33b, 08591 Aiguafreda, Barcelona, Espanya, Aiguafreda (Barcelona) to Estació tren, Vic (Barcelona)
- Created months by Cristian (, 47 years, )
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- Precision: 71 %
- Regular journey between Centelles (Barcelona) to Vic (Barcelona)
- Created months by Sílvia (, 52 years, )
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- Precision: 51 %
- Regular journey between La Garriga (Barcelona) to Vic (Barcelona)
- Created months by marta (, 40 years, )
- Tinc 4 places disponibles. Compartir despeses.
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