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Found: 10 journeys matching your route between Sant Quirze del Vallès (Barcelona) to Manresa (Barcelona)
- Precision: 100 %
- Regular journey between Sant Quirze del Vallès (Barcelona) to Manresa (Barcelona)
- Created months by xavi (, 41 years, )
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- Precision: 97 %
- Regular journey between Polígon Industrial Can Casablancas, Sant Quirze del Vallès, Barcelona, Espanya, Sant Quirze del Vallès (Barcelona) to Ctra. de Vic, Manresa, Barcelona, Espanya, Manresa (Barcelona)
- Created months by Xavier (, 61 years, )
- Places disponibles: 3 Possibilitat d'intercanviar despeses o cotxe per dies o setmana. Ciutat de pas: Terrassa.
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- Precision: 91 %
- Regular journey between Sabadell (Barcelona) to Universitat Politècnica Catalunya (Campus Manresa), Manresa (Barcelona)
- Created months by Manuel (, 39 years, )
- Voy cada dia a estudiar a Manresa desde Sabadell. Hago horario de tarde, salgo a las 15h hacia Manresa y vuelvo sobre las 21h a Sabadell. Me interesa gente sin coche para compartir gastos, o con coche para turnarnos.
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- Precision: 90 %
- Regular journey between ca n'oriach, Passeig de Manresa, Sabadell (Barcelona) to Manresa (Barcelona)
- Created months by Mª luz (, 46 years, )
- Hago Sabadell-Manresa cada dia.Salgo de SBD sobre las 6,15h de la mañana y vuelvo de Manresa a las 15:30h.
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- Precision: 77 %
- Regular journey between Rubí (Barcelona) to Manresa (Barcelona)
- Created months by jose (, 62 years, )
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