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Found: 38 journeys matching your route between Barcelona (Barcelona) to Olot (Girona)
- Precision: 62 %
- Regular journey between BARCELONA CENTRO, Barcelona (Barcelona) to Universitat de Girona (Campus Barri Vell), Girona (Girona)
- Created months by Mireia (, 26 years, )
- Busco algú amb qui poder viatjar, compartint despeses, dijous i/o divendres.
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- Precision: 62 %
- Regular journey between Barcelona (Barcelona) to Girona (Girona)
- Created months by Julieta (, 50 years, )
- Viajo sola. Disponibles 4 plazas
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- Precision: 62 %
- Regular journey between BARCELONA CENTRO, Barcelona (Barcelona) to la roca village, Girona (Girona)
- Created months by hang (, 39 years, )
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- Precision: 62 %
- Regular journey between Barcelona (Barcelona) to Girona (Girona)
- Created months by dario (, 39 years, )
- Trabajo en Girona y busco a alguien que quiera compartir coche o trayecto cada dia de lunes a viernes. Salida de bcn a las 8 y vuelta a las 18. Horarios negociables.
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- Precision: 62 %
- Regular journey between Barcelona (Barcelona) to Girona (Girona)
- Created months by Roman (, 40 years, )
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