Automobila Banatzeko zerbitzua sustatzen duten hiri, enpresa eta organismoen sarea

Erabiltzaile miatuak: 82951

Erabiltzaile lotuak: 5 orrialdean, bidaia berdina partekatu nahi duten zu bezalako pertsonak aurkitu ahal dituzu

Sarea eratzen duten udalerrien, enpresen eta organismoen babesarekin kontatzen du eta zerbitzu hau dohainik eskaintzen da

Zure ibilbidea adierazi ezazu

Zure hiriko autoa partekatzeko zerbitzu gertuena bilatu eta aurkitu ezazu

E.g: Barcelona

E.g: Girona

Bidaiak bilatu

Aurtiku dugu: 5 bidai zure ibilbidea egiteko Nondik meadowhall, Sheffield (near to: Matlock) Nora Leeds (near to: Wakefield)

  • Doitasuna: 100 %
  • Ohiko bidaia Nondik Sheffield University, Sheffield (near to: Matlock) Nora quarry house (city centre), Leeds (near to: Wakefield)
  • Duela hainbeste sortua hilabete nondik: Kelly (Emakumea, 46 urte, Autorik gabe)
  • I need to be in Leeds City centre no later than 7.45 am on Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Return journey is less important (though I finish at 6pm)
  • Doitasuna: 100 %
  • Ohiko bidaia Nondik meadowhall, Sheffield (near to: Matlock) Nora Leeds (near to: Wakefield)
  • Duela hainbeste sortua hilabete nondik: roger (Gizona, 55 urte, autoz)
  • Doitasuna: 77 %
  • Ohiko bidaia Nondik Sheffield (near to: Matlock) Nora Bradford (near to: Wakefield)
  • Duela hainbeste sortua hilabete nondik: Edmund (Gizona, 45 urte, Autorik gabe)
  • I'm looking for a car-share (ie someone to offer a lift) on behalf of my girlfriend, who lives in Sheffield and is shortly to start a job in Bradford.
  • Doitasuna: 68 %
  • Ohiko bidaia Nondik Wickersley (near to: Wakefield) Nora Leeds University, Leeds (near to: Wakefield)
  • Duela hainbeste sortua hilabete nondik: David (Gizona, 44 urte, autoz)
  • I've moved to Wickersley, Rotherham. Will need to commute to Leeds, near the university. Will be happy to leave between 6am and 6.30am and return between 3.45 and 4pm... I need to miss the rush hour since I have a family. I'm reliable and have a car so would be happy to drive or to be driven. The idea is to cut the cost of commuting. The route would probably be straight up the M1.
  • Doitasuna: 68 %
  • Ohiko bidaia Nondik Wickersley (near to: Wakefield) Nora Leeds University, Leeds (near to: Wakefield)
  • Duela hainbeste sortua hilabete nondik: David (Gizona, 44 urte, autoz)
  • I've moved to Wickersley, Rotherham. Will need to commute to Leeds, near the university. Will be happy to leave between 6am and 6.30am and return between 3.45 and 4pm... I need to miss the rush hour since I have a family. I'm reliable and have a car so would be happy to drive or to be driven. The idea is to cut the cost of commuting. The route would probably be straight up the M1.

Ibilbidearen mapa

Bidaia partekatzen ez baduzu izango duen inguruneko eta ekonomia arloko aurrezkia

Bidaiaren CO2 igorpenak kg-tan
Partekatzen ari diren bidaiariak 2 3 4 5
Aurrezkia (€)
Aurrezkia (Kg Nondik CO2)

Bidaia partekatzen ez baduzu izango duen inguruneko kostua eta kostu ekonomikoa

Bidaiaren kostu ekonomikoa :

  • Ohiko autoa: €.
  • Vehículo eléctrico: €.

Bidaiaren ingurune kostua :

  • Ohiko autoa: Kg Nondik CO2
  • Vehículo eléctrico: Kg Nondik CO2

Gutxi gorabeherako distantzia:

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