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Found: 5 journeys matching your route between Barcelona (Barcelona) to Viella (Lleida)
- Precision: 100 %
- Regular journey between Barcelona (Barcelona) to Viella (Lleida)
- Created months by Júlia (, 31 years, )
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- Precision: 73 %
- Regular journey between Granollers (Barcelona) to Llavorsí (Lleida)
- Created months by Lägar (, 41 years, )
- L'intenció és sortir de Granollers o voltants i arribar fins el Pallars Sobirà (o Pobla de SEgur)
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- Precision: 68 %
- Regular journey between Barcelona (Barcelona) to Tremp (Lleida)
- Created months by jordi (, 45 years, )
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- Precision: 67 %
- Regular journey between Barcelona (Barcelona) to Andorra la Vella (ANDORRA)
- Created months by Carles A (, 54 years, )
- 8 places disponibles, no passarem peatges, cobraré una mòdica quantitat
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- Precision: 58 %
- Regular journey between Terrassa (Barcelona) to Torla (Huesca)
- Created months by Miguel (, 61 years, )
- Terrassa-Barcelona. Sortida el dia 31 de juliol a les 10:00 o 11:00 Tornada el dia 2, a les 17:00
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