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Found: 14 journeys matching your route between Arbúcies (Girona) to Girona (Girona)
- Precision: 52 %
- Regular journey between Sant Celoni (Barcelona) to Girona (Girona)
- Created months by Mireia (, 45 years, )
- El meu cotxe només disposa de dues places. Habitualment passo per la nacional, tot i que ultimament estic fent el tram de Sant Celoni a la Sortida de Maçanet per autopista. Així evito les curbes.
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- Precision: 51 %
- Regular journey between Santa Coloma de Farners (Girona) to Sant Gregori (Girona)
- Created months by David (, 49 years, )
- 3 places disponibles, per compartir despeses
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- Precision: 51 %
- Regular journey between Santa Coloma de Farners (Girona) to Sant Gregori (Girona)
- Created months by David (, 49 years, )
- 3 places disponibles per compartir despeses
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- Precision: 51 %
- Regular journey between Santa Coloma de Farners (Girona) to Sant Gregori (Girona)
- Created months by David (, 49 years, )
- 3 places disponibles compartint despeses
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