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Found: 20 journeys matching your route between Distrito Vallecas, Madrid (Madrid) to Barrio Santa Maria de Benquerencia, Toledo (Toledo)
- Precision: 100 %
- Regular journey between Distrito Vallecas, Madrid (Madrid) to Barrio Santa Maria de Benquerencia, Toledo (Toledo)
- Created months by Lucia (, 29 years, )
- No fumo.
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- Precision: 90 %
- Regular journey between Madrid (Madrid) to Estacion de Autobuses, Toledo (Toledo)
- Created months by Eli (, 36 years, )
- 4 plazas disponibles,se comparten gastos de gasolina o se alterna coche. EL viaje transcurre por la a42. La hora de regreso puede ser flexible en función de los intereses comunes
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- Precision: 89 %
- Regular journey between Madrid (Madrid) to Toledo (Toledo)
- Created months by Marta (, 27 years, )
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- Precision: 89 %
- Regular journey between Madrid (Madrid) to Toledo (Toledo)
- Created months by Marta (, 27 years, )
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- Precision: 89 %
- Regular journey between Distrito Vallecas, Madrid (Madrid) to Toledo (Toledo)
- Created months by Ruben (, 38 years, )
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