Network of cities, companies and organisations that encourage the car-share service

Registered users: 82872

Online users: 192 enables you to find people who, like you, want to share a journey.

It works thanks to local authorities, companies and organisations that a members of the network and offer you this service completely free of charge.

Indicate your route

Search for and find the closest car-share service to your city.

Example: Barcelona

Example: Girona
  • Your location:
  • Carpooling
  • Regular journey between Estanyol (Girona) to Universitat de Girona (Campus Montilivi), Girona (Girona)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for people to come with me (Driver)
  • Created months by Jordina (Female, 32 years, with a car)
  • Regular journey between Distrito Vallecas, Madrid (Madrid) to Toledo (Toledo)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Passenger)
  • Created months by Ruben (Male, 38 years, with a car)
  • Regular journey between Plaza, El Médano (Tenerife) to Plaza Charco, Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for people to come with me (Driver)
  • Created months by Silvana (Female, 46 years, with a car)
  • 26-01-2020 between C/ MUNTANER, Barcelona (Barcelona) to Sant Andreu de la Barca (Barcelona)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Passenger)
  • Created months by Carmen rosa (Female, 37 years, No car)
  • 26-01-2020 between Barcelona (Barcelona) to Sant Andreu de la Barca (Barcelona)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Passenger)
  • Created months by Carmen rosa (Female, 37 years, No car)
  • Regular journey between Colindres (Cantabria) to Facultad de Educación, Santander (Cantabria)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Passenger)
  • Created months by Ángela (Female, 27 years, with a car)
  • Regular journey between Montroy (Valencia) to Camí nou, Benetússer (Valencia)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for people to come with me (Driver)
  • Created months by Alberto (Male, 39 years, with a car)
  • Regular journey between Ayuntamiento, Mungia (Bizkaia) to EUSKAL HERRIKO UNIBERTSITATEA (Arabako Campusa), Vitoria (Álava)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for people to come with me + I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Driver + Passenger)
  • Created months by Jaione (Female, 30 years, with a car)
  • Regular journey between Móstoles (Madrid) to Julián Camarillo, Madrid (Madrid)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for people to come with me (Driver)
  • Created months by Luis Daniel (Male, 46 years, with a car)
  • Regular journey between barrio peral, Cartagena (Murcia) to MURCIA-JUAN CARLOS I, Puente Tocinos (Murcia)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for people to come with me + I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Driver + Passenger)
  • Created months by Alberto (Male, 45 years, with a car)
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