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Found: 19 journeys matching your route between Paterna (Valencia) to Sollana (Valencia)
- Precision: 54 %
- Regular journey between L'Hort de Senabre, Valencia (Valencia) to Silla (Valencia)
- Created months by vicente (, 56 years, )
- Me gustaria poder encontrar alguien que valla de valencia a silla en el turno de 6 a 2 y compartir la gasolina
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- Precision: 53 %
- Regular journey between Paterna (Valencia) to Picassent (Valencia)
- Created months by Daniel (, 46 years, )
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- Precision: 52 %
- Regular journey between Campanar, Valencia (Valencia) to El Saler, La Valenciana (Barcelona)
- Created months by Sara (, 46 years, )
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- Precision: 51 %
- Regular journey between Malilla, Valencia (Valencia) to Silla (Valencia)
- Created months by LUIS (, 59 years, )
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