Network of cities, companies and organisations that encourage the car-share service

Registered users: 82952

Online users: 5 enables you to find people who, like you, want to share a journey.

It works thanks to local authorities, companies and organisations that a members of the network and offer you this service completely free of charge.

Indicate your route

Search for and find the closest car-share service to your city.

Example: Barcelona

Example: Girona

Find journeys

Found: 5 journeys matching your route between Distrito Salamanca, Madrid (Madrid) to Polígono Industrial, San Fernando de Henares (Madrid)

  • Precision: 100 %
  • Regular journey between Distrito Salamanca, Madrid (Madrid) to Polígono Industrial, San Fernando de Henares (Madrid)
  • Created months by ANA MARÍA (Female, 54 years, No car)
  • Precision: 67 %
  • Regular journey between MORATALAZ, Calle de la Hacienda de Pavones, Madrid (Madrid) to CENTRO ASOCIADO MADRID-COSLADA, Coslada Calle de Luis Braille, Coslada (Madrid)
  • Created months by nayra (Female, 36 years, with a car)
  • en caso de ser yo la conductora dispongo de 4 plazas. por mi trabajo habrá días que no podré ir.avisaría con tiempo de antelación al tener el horario mensual. tenía pensado compartir gastos.
  • Precision: 61 %
  • Regular journey between Metro Ventas, Calle Julio Camba, 28028 Madrid, Madrid, España, Madrid (Madrid) to Avenida de Castilla, 28830 San Fernando de Henares, Madrid, España, San Fernando de Henares (Madrid)
  • Created months by Manuel (Male, 40 years, with a car)
  • Horario de salida desde Ventas (Madrid) 7,30-7,45 h. Horario de vuelta hacia Ventas (Madrid) 17,30-17,45 h.
  • Precision: 58 %
  • Regular journey between CARABANCHEL, Madrid (Madrid) to Nave de Amazon, San Fernando de Henares (Madrid)
  • Created months by Matias (Male, 49 years, No car)
  • Necesito compartir coche a la central de Amazon Kindle. Av astronomia 22, san fernando de henares.
  • Precision: 52 %
  • Regular journey between LAS ROZAS, Madrid (Madrid) to BARAJAS, Madrid (Madrid)
  • Created months by Ana (Female, 31 years, No car)

Route map

Financial and environmental saving if you share this journey

CO2 emissions in Kg for the journey
Travellers sharing 2 3 4 5
Saving (€)
Saving (Kg between CO2)

Financial and environmental cost if you don't share this journey

Financial cost of the journey :

  • Conventional car: €.
  • Electric vehicle: €.

Environmental cost of the journey :

  • Conventional car: Kg between CO2
  • Electric vehicle: Kg between CO2

Approx. distance:

Approximate time: