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Found: 13 journeys matching your route between Barcelona-Eixample, Barcelona (Barcelona) to CENTRO, Madrid (Madrid)
- Precision: 96 %
- Regular journey between Carrer de l'Arena, Gavà (Barcelona) to Plaza de Castilla, Plaza de Castilla, Madrid (Madrid)
- Created months by david (, 63 years, )
- salida sobre las 14 h del martes 14 de abril
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- Precision: 74 %
- Regular journey between Lleida (Lleida) to Madrid (Madrid)
- Created months by Gaby (, 32 years, )
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- Precision: 74 %
- Regular journey between Lleida (Lleida) to Madrid (Madrid)
- Created months by josema (, 42 years, )
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- Precision: 68 %
- Regular journey between Barcelona (Barcelona) to Valladolid (Valladolid)
- Created months by eva (, 32 years, )
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- Precision: 65 %
- Regular journey between otros, Barcelona (Barcelona) to CENTRO DE SALAMANCA, Salamanca (Salamanca)
- Created months by Maria (, 46 years, )
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