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Found: 29 journeys matching your route between EL CONGOST, Carrer Roger de Flor 68, Granollers (Barcelona) to Fábrica SEAT Martorell, Martorell (Barcelona)
- Precision: 100 %
- Regular journey between EL CONGOST, Carrer Roger de Flor 68, Granollers (Barcelona) to Fábrica SEAT Martorell, Martorell (Barcelona)
- Created months by Maite (, 54 years, )
- Voy sola en el coche.
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- Precision: 91 %
- Regular journey between Lliçà de Vall (Barcelona) to Martorell (Barcelona)
- Created months by Ernest (, 35 years, )
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- Precision: 85 %
- Regular journey between EL CONGOST, Granollers (Barcelona) to seat, Abrera (Barcelona)
- Created months by jaume (, 41 years, )
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- Precision: 69 %
- Regular journey between Parets del Vallès (Barcelona) to Rubí (Barcelona)
- Created months by Babel (, 57 years, )
- Faig el mateix trajecte de dilluns a divendres. Surto a les 8.25 de Parets (Centre), passo per l'eixample, i torno a les 16 h directament al centre de Parets.
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- Precision: 69 %
- Regular journey between Parets del Vallès (Barcelona) to Rubí (Barcelona)
- Created months by Carlos (, 61 years, )
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