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Found: 94 journeys matching your route between EUSKALEUSKAL HERRIKO UNIBERTSITATEA (Eibar), Otaola Hiribidea 29, Eibar (Gipuzkoa) to UPV/EHU leioa, Leioa (Bizkaia)
- Precision: 100 %
- Regular journey between EUSKALEUSKAL HERRIKO UNIBERTSITATEA (Eibar), Otaola Hiribidea 29, Eibar (Gipuzkoa) to UPV/EHU leioa, Leioa (Bizkaia)
- Created months by Cristina (, 40 years, )
- Nº de plazas disponibles: 4. Comparto gastos. La hora de vuelta es aproximada, puede ser más temprano.
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- Precision: 95 %
- Regular journey between Ermúa (Bizkaia) to Campus de Lejona, Leioa (Bizkaia)
- Created months by sandra (, 33 years, )
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- Precision: 90 %
- Regular journey between Zaldibar (Bizkaia) to UPV/EHU leioa, Leioa (Bizkaia)
- Created months by Ainhoa (, 33 years, )
- Astelehenetik-Ostegunera // De lunes a jueves En Leioa a las 16:00tako Leioan Salir de Leioa 20:00tan Leioatik irten Lehenago joateak ez dit axola / No me inportaria salir antes
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- Precision: 90 %
- Regular journey between AYUNTAMIENTO, Eibar (Gipuzkoa) to Erandio (Bizkaia)
- Created months by Jennifer (, 34 years, )
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- Precision: 90 %
- Regular journey between AYUNTAMIENTO, Eibar (Gipuzkoa) to Erandio (Bizkaia)
- Created months by Ander (, 42 years, )
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