Network of cities, companies and organisations that encourage the car-share service

Registered users: 82943

Online users: 8 enables you to find people who, like you, want to share a journey.

It works thanks to local authorities, companies and organisations that a members of the network and offer you this service completely free of charge.

Indicate your route

Search for and find the closest car-share service to your city.

Example: Barcelona

Example: Girona

Data on Compartir Coche

Compartir Coche is present in 68 countries all over the world and is available in 10 languages.

Countries with more journeys at Compartir Coche

  1. Spain
  2. France
  3. Germany
  4. Italy
  5. U.k.
  6. Portugal

Evolution of user registrations

Sample chart

82.848 Registered users

52,70 % Men 47,30 % Women

Users’ age groups

Users’ reasons for travelling

Evolution of journey creations

Sample chart

75.833 Journeys created

Average distance per journey: 107,10 Km.

If we made each journey once, we could travel:

8.121.508,23 Km. or:

1.993,0 times around the Earth

21,4 trips to the Moon

By sharing each journey with someone, we would avoid the emission of:
