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Found: 18 journeys matching your route between Palafolls (Barcelona) to Amer (Girona)
- Precision: 100 %
- Regular journey between Palafolls (Barcelona) to Amer (Girona)
- Created months by Eli (, 27 years, )
- Faig torns de 6:00 a 14:00 i de 13:30 a 21:30. Envia'm un whatsapp al 608168005.
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- Precision: 81 %
- Regular journey between Tordera (Barcelona) to SANT JULIÀ DEL LLOR I BONMATÍ, Sant Julià del Llor i Bonmatí (Girona)
- Created months by ester (, 43 years, )
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- Precision: 79 %
- Regular journey between Blanes (Girona) to Anglès (Girona)
- Created months by Elisenda (, 37 years, )
- Voldria compartir cotxe de Blanes a Anglès i viceversa per anar a treballar. El meu horari laboral és de 7.30 a 14.30 h, així que el recorregut hauria de ser abans i després d'aquest horari.
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- Precision: 59 %
- Regular journey between Carrer de Sant Antoni, Pineda de Mar (Barcelona) to Carrer del Doctor Ferran, Salt (Girona)
- Created months by maria (, 38 years, )
- A les 8:oo sortiré de Pineda de Mar per tal d'arribar a les 9:oo a Salt.
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- Precision: 57 %
- Regular journey between Blanes, Av. de l'Estació, 17300 Blanes, Girona, Espanya, Blanes (Girona) to Girona (Girona)
- Created months by Esther (, 56 years, )
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