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Found: 73 journeys matching your route between Solórzano (Cantabria) to Elorrieta (Bizkaia)
- Precision: 75 %
- Regular journey between Solares (Cantabria) to Bilbao (Bizkaia)
- Created months by Raúl (, 48 years, )
- Busco compartir gastos.
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- Precision: 75 %
- Regular journey between Colindres (Cantabria) to Basauri (Bizkaia)
- Created months by DAVID (, 41 years, )
- Viaje regular por trabajo
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- Precision: 74 %
- Regular journey between Noja (Cantabria) to Bilbao (Bizkaia)
- Created months by Alaia (, 41 years, )
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- Precision: 74 %
- Regular journey between Colindres (Cantabria) to Parque Tecnológico, Zamudio (Bizkaia)
- Created months by César (, 50 years, )
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- Precision: 72 %
- Regular journey between Laredo (Cantabria) to Barakaldo (Bizkaia)
- Created months by helena (, 40 years, )
- Trabajo en el hospital de cruces puedo variar algo los horarios para que sea mas facil para todos.
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