Bidaiak bilatu
Aurtiku dugu: 5 bidai zure ibilbidea egiteko Nondik Bristol (near to: Bristol) Nora Leeds (near to: Wakefield)
- Doitasuna: 100 %
- Ohiko bidaia Nondik azted west, Bristol (near to: Bristol) Nora quarry house (city centre), Leeds (near to: Wakefield)
- Duela hainbeste sortua hilabete nondik: Praveen (, 46 urte, )
- Informazio gehiago
- Bidali mezua honi: Praveen
- Bidaia partekatzea
- Doitasuna: 100 %
- Ohiko bidaia Nondik azted west, Bristol (near to: Bristol) Nora quarry house (city centre), Leeds (near to: Wakefield)
- Duela hainbeste sortua hilabete nondik: Praveen (, 46 urte, )
- Informazio gehiago
- Bidali mezua honi: Praveen
- Bidaia partekatzea
- Doitasuna: 100 %
- Ohiko bidaia Nondik Bristol (near to: Bristol) Nora Leeds (near to: Wakefield)
- Duela hainbeste sortua hilabete nondik: Naveen (, 59 urte, )
- Informazio gehiago
- Bidali mezua honi: Naveen
- Bidaia partekatzea
- Doitasuna: 60 %
- Ohiko bidaia Nondik Oxford station, Oxford (near to: Oxford) Nora Sheffield (near to: Matlock)
- Duela hainbeste sortua hilabete nondik: ammu (, 47 urte, )
- Informazio gehiago
- Bidali mezua honi: ammu
- Bidaia partekatzea
- Doitasuna: 52 %
- Ohiko bidaia Nondik Birmingham (near to: Birmingham) Nora Sheffield (near to: Matlock)
- Duela hainbeste sortua hilabete nondik: lucy (, 47 urte, )
- Hello! I hope to get into Sheffield for between 9 and 10 (ish) on the following Mondays: 2 March 9 March Would anyone be able/willing to help? Many thanks!
- Informazio gehiago
- Bidali mezua honi: lucy
- Bidaia partekatzea