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Found: 63 journeys matching your route between Tiana (Barcelona) to seat, Martorell (Barcelona)
- Precision: 100 %
- Regular journey between Tiana (Barcelona) to seat, Martorell (Barcelona)
- Created months by Marc (, 34 years, )
- Me gustaría poder compartir gastos, mi horario puede ser un poco flexible en cuanto a la vuelta.
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- Precision: 82 %
- Regular journey between Masnou, el (Barcelona) to Martorell (Barcelona)
- Created months by Jordi (, 49 years, )
- Trabajo a turno diurno flexible en Seat Martorell y vivo en el Masnou. Estoy buscando alguien de la zona para compartir coche
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- Precision: 75 %
- Regular journey between Polígon Bonavista, Badalona (Barcelona) to seat, Martorell (Barcelona)
- Created months by Carolin (, 39 years, )
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- Precision: 75 %
- Regular journey between Barcelona-Sant Andreu, Barcelona (Barcelona) to CELSA Cobre 11 , Castellbisbal (Barcelona)
- Created months by Andreu (, 38 years, )
- Salgo del barrio de Sant Andreu, paso por Fabra i Puig hasta Plaza Karl Marx donde cojo la Ronda de Dalt. Es un coche con 4 plazas libres y me gustaría compartir gastos o turnar conductor.
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- Precision: 75 %
- Regular journey between Barcelona-Nou Barris, Barcelona (Barcelona) to seat, Martorell (Barcelona)
- Created months by david (, 43 years, )
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