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Found: 100 journeys matching your route between Cunit (Tarragona) to Barcelona (Barcelona)
- Precision: 100 %
- Regular journey between Cunit (Tarragona) to Calle lima, Barcelona (Barcelona)
- Created months by SILVIA (, 47 years, )
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- Precision: 91 %
- Regular journey between Cubelles, Cubelles (Barcelona) to Barcelona (Barcelona)
- Created months by Roser (, 47 years, )
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- Precision: 91 %
- Regular journey between calafell, C-31, 43820 Calafell, Tarragona, Espanya, Calafell (Tarragona) to Ronda Litoral sortides 22/23/24, Barcelona (Barcelona)
- Created months by Núria (, 63 years, )
- Tot per autopista. Recullo una noia a Cunit i agafem l'autopista allà. Ara tinc 3 places disponibles. El cotxe està ben conservat i al dia de revisions i assegurança. El preu per trajecte és de 3,50€. Accepto passatgers ocasionals. Demano puntualitat i serietat.
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- Precision: 90 %
- Regular journey between Cunit, Tarragona, España, Cunit (Tarragona) to GRAN VIA SUD, Hospitalet de Llobregat, l' (Barcelona)
- Created months by marta (, 46 years, )
- treballo en torn de nit i diferents dies de la semana, segons semana.
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- Precision: 90 %
- Regular journey between Cunit, Tarragona, España, Cunit (Tarragona) to GRAN VIA SUD, Hospitalet de Llobregat, l' (Barcelona)
- Created months by marta (, 46 years, )
- treballo en torn de nit i diferents dies de la semana, segons semana.
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