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Found: 86 journeys matching your route between Polígon Industrial Nord, Terrassa (Barcelona) to Plaça d'Espanya, Barcelona (Barcelona)
- Precision: 88 %
- Regular journey between CEIP Ginesta, Calle de Jaume I 9, Matadepera (Barcelona) to POBLE NOU 22@, Carrer de la Llacuna, Barcelona (Barcelona)
- Created months by Carlos (, 65 years, )
- 3 plazas libres. Compartir gastos gasolina. Salida de Matadepera zona Centro, carretera de Sabadell para coger la C-58 en Sabadell-Norte llegando a Barcelona por Ronda Litoral entrando por Granvia y bajando a Pere IV hasta el parking de la calle Llacuna en 22@PobleNou y Plaza Glories.
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- Precision: 88 %
- Regular journey between Terrassa (Barcelona) to Barcelona (Barcelona)
- Created months by Franki (, 63 years, )
- M'agradaria entrar per la Meridiana
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- Precision: 88 %
- Regular journey between Terrassa (Barcelona) to Barcelona (Barcelona)
- Created months by Francesc (, 43 years, )
- entro per la Meridiana
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- Precision: 88 %
- Regular journey between Terrassa (Barcelona) to Cementerio monyuit, Barcelona (Barcelona)
- Created months by Esther (, 46 years, )
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- Precision: 88 %
- Regular journey between Terrassa (Barcelona) to Cementerio monyuit, Barcelona (Barcelona)
- Created months by Esther (, 46 years, )
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