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Found: 23 journeys matching your route between Viladecans (Barcelona) to Viladecaballs (Barcelona)
- Precision: 100 %
- Regular journey between Viladecans (Barcelona) to Viladecaballs (Barcelona)
- Created months by Jacob (, 49 years, )
- Tinc quatre places disponibles. Per compartir despesses.
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- Precision: 79 %
- Regular journey between Gavà (Barcelona) to Terrassa (Barcelona)
- Created months by Ricard (, 57 years, )
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- Precision: 70 %
- Regular journey between Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona) to Terrassa (Barcelona)
- Created months by Sophia (, 43 years, )
- Bon dia, Estic buscant a algú que faci el viatge Cornellà- Terrassa com alternativa als trens de la RENFE... Treball en la UPC i tinc l'horari següent: 9h30- 17h30. Però no tinc problema per a viatjar més primerenc i arribar a les 8h00 - 8h30... No fumo i sóc una persona puntual. Per descomptat, vam compartir despeses, Fins ara!
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- Precision: 69 %
- Regular journey between Port Ginesta, Castelldefels (Barcelona) to CENTRO ASOCIADO TERRASSA, Terrassa (Barcelona)
- Created months by Luis (, 50 years, )
- Examen 16:00 horas día 14/2 y examen 11:30 horas día 15/2 y vuelta.
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- Precision: 69 %
- Regular journey between Castelldefels (Barcelona) to Terrassa (Barcelona)
- Created months by Lluís (, 58 years, )
- L'horari és aproximat, compartir despeses, fins a 4 places, cotxe petit
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