Network of cities, companies and organisations that encourage the car-share service

Registered users: 82875

Online users: 111 enables you to find people who, like you, want to share a journey.

It works thanks to local authorities, companies and organisations that a members of the network and offer you this service completely free of charge.

Indicate your route

Search for and find the closest car-share service to your city.

Example: Barcelona

Example: Girona
  • Your location:
  • Carpooling
  • Regular journey between Tortosa (Tarragona) to Amposta (Tarragona)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Passenger)
  • Created months by Jose (Male, 39 years, No car)
  • Regular journey between El Pla, Lliçà de Vall (Barcelona) to Barcelona-Zona Franca, Passeig de la Zona Franca, Barcelona, España, Barcelona (Barcelona)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Passenger)
  • Created months by Silvia (Female, 42 years, No car)
  • Regular journey between Bilbao (Bizkaia) to UPV donosti, San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Passenger)
  • Created months by Fiorella (Female, 38 years, No car)
  • Regular journey between Burguillos de Toledo (Toledo) to Hospital Virgen de la Salud, Toledo (Toledo)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Passenger)
  • Created months by mari trini (Female, 60 years, No car)
  • Regular journey between BILBAO, Bilbao (Bizkaia) to Donostia UPV, Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Passenger)
  • Created months by Fiorella (Female, 38 years, No car)
  • Regular journey between BILBAO, Bilbao (Bizkaia) to Donostia UPV, Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Passenger)
  • Created months by Fiorella (Female, 38 years, No car)
  • Regular journey between BILBAO, Bilbao (Bizkaia) to Donostia UPV, Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Passenger)
  • Created months by Fiorella (Female, 38 years, No car)
  • Regular journey between Bilbao (Bizkaia) to San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Passenger)
  • Created months by Fiorella (Female, 38 years, No car)
  • Regular journey between ARIZGOITI, Basauri, Vizcaya, España, Basauri (Bizkaia) to EUSKALEUSKAL HERRIKO UNIBERTSITATEA (Eibar), Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Industrial de Eibar, Avenida Otaola, 29, 20600 Eibar, Guipúzcoa, España, Éibar (Gipuzkoa)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Passenger)
  • Created months by nora (Female, 29 years, with a car)
  • 11-07-2014 between Madrid, Vilagarcía de Arousa (Pontevedra) to el pueblo, Lalín (Pontevedra)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Passenger)
  • Created months by rosa maria (Female, 64 years, No car)
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