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Found: 4 journeys matching your route between Hortaleza (Madrid) to La Poveda (Madrid)
- Precision: 100 %
- Regular journey between Hortaleza (Madrid) to La Poveda (Madrid)
- Created months by Raquel (, 44 years, )
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- Precision: 66 %
- Regular journey between Distrito Moncloa, Calle de Sinesio Delgado, Madrid (Madrid) to hutchinson, Arganda del Rey (Madrid)
- Created months by raul (, 53 years, )
- Madrid sinesio delgado -> Arganda del rey , La poveda.
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- Precision: 63 %
- Regular journey between estación de metro ventas, Madrid (Madrid) to Calle sierra algodonales, Arganda del Rey (Madrid)
- Created months by Sonia (, 45 years, )
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- Precision: 51 %
- Regular journey between centro, Madrid (Madrid) to Campo Real (Madrid)
- Created months by Maribel (, 52 years, )
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