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Found: 11 journeys matching your route between 17464 Cervià de Ter, Girona, Espanya, Cervià de Ter (Girona) to Olot (Girona)
- Precision: 100 %
- Regular journey between 17464 Cervià de Ter, Girona, Espanya, Cervià de Ter (Girona) to Olot (Girona)
- Created months by Elena (, 49 years, )
- Bon dia La meva filla estudia a olot i ens agradaria trobar vehicle per compartir despeses o viatges als matins sobretot. Gràcies
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- Precision: 76 %
- Regular journey between Polígon Industrial, Palol de Revardit (Girona) to Olot (Girona)
- Created months by Marta (, 36 years, )
- Surto de Palol de Revardit (al costat de Banyoles, Girona) cada dia per anar a treballar a Olot.
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- Precision: 67 %
- Regular journey between Girona (Girona) to Polígons industrials d'Olot, Olot (Girona)
- Created months by sandra (, 29 years, )
- D Argelaguer a Olot. Matins entre 08:30 i 09:15. 4 dies a la setmana. Només anada.
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- Precision: 67 %
- Regular journey between Centre, Girona (Girona) to Polígons industrials d'Olot, Olot (Girona)
- Created months by Isaac (, 23 years, )
- necessito transport urgent d'anada a olot, la tornada no es necessari
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- Precision: 67 %
- Regular journey between Girona (Girona) to Olot (Girona)
- Created months by CARLA (, 23 years, )
- Sóc estudiant al IES la Garrotxa d'Olot i necessito transport diariament, les classes comencen a les 15'10H, si només és d'anada ja m'està bé també.
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