Journey details
Reason for travelling
The journey is for Not specified
Route - Origin
Start town/city: Ferrol
Departure location: Not specified
Departure address: Not specified
Route - Destination
Destination town/city: A Coruña
Arrival location: Not specified
Arrival address: Not specified
Journey times
Departure date:
Margin (in days): Not specified
Other journey data
Created months, Renovado por última vez hace months
Means of travel: I'm looking for people to come with me + I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Driver + Passenger)
Comments: Busco compa?er@s para viajes diarios desde Ferrol a A Coru?a (ida y vuelta) de Lunes a Viernes. Los horarios son: - SALIDA FERROL(Canido): 8.30 (entro a trabajar a las 9.30, en zona Sagrada Familia) - SALIDA A CORU?A: 18.30 Posibilidad de flexibilizar el horario en una media hora. TLF. DE CONTACTO: 647. 81 65 81 (Javier Cano)
This journey has been viewed 3066 times
User data
Name: Javier
Town/city: Ferrol
Sex: Male
Age: 41
Last connection: Over one month ago
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