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Found: 7 journeys matching your route between Novés (Toledo) to Toledo (Toledo)
- Precision: 97 %
- Regular journey between Calle San Isidro, 45519 Novés, Toledo, España, Novés (Toledo) to Polígono de santa maría de benquerencia, Toledo (Toledo)
- Created months by Noelia (, 38 years, )
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- Precision: 80 %
- Regular journey between Fuensalida (Toledo) to Toledo (Toledo)
- Created months by Imaf (, 24 years, )
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- Precision: 80 %
- Regular journey between Fuensalida (Toledo) to Toledo (Toledo)
- Created months by Denisse (, 23 years, )
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- Precision: 73 %
- Regular journey between TORRIJOS - PZ. CAÑO NUEVO, Torrijos (Toledo) to Estación de autobuses, Toledo (Toledo)
- Created months by Janet (, 43 years, )
- Tengo 4 plazas disponibles en mi coche. Si el viaje es ocasional cobraría por ello, pero si el viaje fuera continuado prefiero compartir gastos.
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- Precision: 68 %
- Regular journey between Alcabón (Toledo) to Toledo (Toledo)
- Created months by Mª Esther (, 59 years, )
- voy al instituto el greco en Toledo y entro a las 8 y cuarto a clase. Voy desde Alcabón.
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