Cercar viatges
S'han trobat: 1 viatges coincidents amb el teu trajecte de Ulverston (near to: Carlisle) a Kendal (near to: Carlisle)
- Precisió: 100 %
- Viatge regular de Ulverston (near to: Carlisle) a Kendal (near to: Carlisle)
- Creat fa mesos per en/na Emma (, 53 anys, )
- I'm looking to car share with someone who has to pass through Ulverston from Barrow, eg or with someone who lives between Barrow and Kendal, with parking facilities at their home for when I'm driving. I'm a fast, confident driver and need to save money on fuel.
- Més informació
- Enviar missatge a en/na Emma
- Compartir viatge