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Found: 73 journeys matching your route between Castro-Urdiales (Cantabria) to Leioa (Bizkaia)
- Precision: 80 %
- Regular journey between correos, Castro-Urdiales (Cantabria) to Max Center, Barakaldo (Bizkaia)
- Created months by Carmen (, 66 years, )
- dispongo de tres plazas para trayecto de castro urdiales a Barakaldo ,Solo ida salida 7.20 de la plaza de toros aunque no me importaria otras zonas,voay zona de Max Center pero no me importaria acercame a otra zona cercana
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- Precision: 76 %
- Regular journey between Castro-Urdiales (Cantabria) to Barakaldo (Bizkaia)
- Created months by Vicky (, 47 years, )
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- Precision: 76 %
- Regular journey between Castro-Urdiales (Cantabria) to UPV Vizcaya (Ingenieros), Bilbao (Bizkaia)
- Created months by Paula (, 41 years, )
- Para ir y volver al trabajo. Entro a las 16:00 y salgo a las 20:00.
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- Precision: 76 %
- Regular journey between Castro-Urdiales (Cantabria) to Barakaldo (Bizkaia)
- Created months by Bruno (, 28 years, )
- Salida de Castro Urdiales sobre las 7:2oh. Destino zorrotza o alrededores (cruces, barakaldo, maxcenter...). Vuelta sobre las 18:30h.
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- Precision: 76 %
- Regular journey between correos, Castro-Urdiales (Cantabria) to Barakaldo (Bizkaia)
- Created months by Esther (, 50 years, )
- El horario de salida es orientativo.
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