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Found: 10 journeys matching your route between BILBAO, Bilbao (Bizkaia) to Muskiz, Muskiz (Bizkaia)
- Precision: 100 %
- Regular journey between BILBAO, Bilbao (Bizkaia) to Muskiz, Muskiz (Bizkaia)
- Created months by Sonia (, 41 years, )
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- Precision: 78 %
- Regular journey between Bilbao (Bizkaia) to Centro profesional de muskiz, Muskiz (Bizkaia)
- Created months by Francisco (, 60 years, )
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- Precision: 70 %
- Regular journey between BILBAO, Bilbao (Bizkaia) to Poligono El Campillo, Gallarta (Bizkaia)
- Created months by Sergio (, 30 years, )
- Trabajo en el poligono El Campillo, viajo desde Santutxu y me gustaria compartie gastos y viaje con alguien que encaje en mi jornada laboral. Suelo ir por la A8, a excepción de algun dia por peaje si se que hay trafico gordo en la A8. Lunes y Miercoles no vuelvo a santutxu, paro en Deusto.
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- Precision: 70 %
- Regular journey between Ayuntamiento de Bilbao, Bilbao (Bizkaia) to Avda Lasagabaster, Ortuella (Bizkaia)
- Created months by Gontzal (, 31 years, )
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- Precision: 65 %
- Regular journey between Miribilla, 48003 Bilbao, Vizcaya, España, Bilbao (Bizkaia) to Gallarta (Bizkaia)
- Created months by Itziar (, 50 years, )
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