Bidaiak bilatu
Aurtiku dugu: 1 bidai zure ibilbidea egiteko Nondik Billingham (near to: Middlesbrough) Nora Bishop Auckland (near to: Durham)
- Doitasuna: 100 %
- Ohiko bidaia Nondik Billingham (near to: Middlesbrough) Nora Bishop Auckland (near to: Durham)
- Duela hainbeste sortua hilabete nondik: greg (, 44 urte, )
- lift from billingham to bishopauckland every day can car shar on week on one week off or can give lifts to other people as my mother lifts me so she has to take me come back , then come back and pick me up and it costs a fortune so lifts offered or if you can lift me all the time or i can take turns lifting, and return if poss flexibal with arrangments
- Informazio gehiago
- Bidali mezua honi: greg
- Bidaia partekatzea