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Found: 245 journeys matching your route between Estación de autobuses, Bilbao (Bizkaia) to Donostia UPV, Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
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- Regular journey between BILBAO, Bilbao (Bizkaia) to Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
- Created months by Garazi (, 29 years, )
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- Regular journey between Aeropuerto, Bilbao (Bizkaia) to Hernani, San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
- Created months by Anahi (, 28 years, )
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- Regular journey between BILBAO, Bilbao (Bizkaia) to universidad, Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
- Created months by sonia (, 50 years, )
- busco a alguien que me lleve de Bilbao o alrededores a la Universidad. Compartiré gastos.
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- Regular journey between BILBAO, Bilbao (Bizkaia) to Campus UPV, Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
- Created months by Fernanda (, 27 years, )
- Busco alguien con quien compartir coche diariamente para ir a la universidad.
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- Regular journey between BILBAO, Bilbao (Bizkaia) to EHU-UPV Ibaeta, Donostia, Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
- Created months by olatz (, 49 years, )
- Kaixo. Astean bitan, asterate eta ostegun Bilbotik Donostiako kanpusera joan behar dut. Gidari ala bidaiari, berdin zait. Goizeko 9tan han egon eta 7tarako Bilbon bueltan egoteko. Necesito ir de Bilbo a Donosti dos veces por semana, martes y jueves. Para estar allí a las 9 y volver a Bilbo sobre las 7 o algo así. Me da igual ser conductora o no.
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