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Found: 31 journeys matching your route between Plaça Països Catalans, Badalona (Barcelona) to Polígon Industrial Can Jardí, Rubí (Barcelona)
- Precision: 94 %
- Regular journey between Plaça Països Catalans, Badalona (Barcelona) to Rubí (Barcelona)
- Created months by Antonio (, 58 years, )
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- Precision: 94 %
- Regular journey between Plaça Països Catalans, Badalona (Barcelona) to Polígon Industrial Can Jardí, Rubí (Barcelona)
- Created months by Antonio (, 58 years, )
- Máximo 3 plazas. Comparto gastos combustible
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- Precision: 93 %
- Regular journey between Palau municipal d'esports, Av. Salvador Espriu, Badalona, Barcelona, España, Badalona (Barcelona) to Polígono cova solera, Rubí (Barcelona)
- Created months by Antonio (, 60 years, )
- 3 plazas, compartir gastos o turnar coche,ida a las 5:30, vuelta a las 14:05
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- Precision: 93 %
- Regular journey between Palau municipal d'esports, Av. Salvador Espriu, Badalona, Barcelona, España, Badalona (Barcelona) to Polígono cova solera, Rubí (Barcelona)
- Created months by Antonio (, 60 years, )
- 3 plazas, compartir gastos o turnar coche
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- Precision: 93 %
- Regular journey between Palau municipal d'esports, Av. Salvador Espriu, Badalona, Barcelona, España, Badalona (Barcelona) to Polígono cova solera, Rubí (Barcelona)
- Created months by Antonio (, 60 years, )
- 3 plazas, compartir gastos o turnar coche
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