Network of cities, companies and organisations that encourage the car-share service

Registered users: 82877

Online users: 240 enables you to find people who, like you, want to share a journey.

It works thanks to local authorities, companies and organisations that a members of the network and offer you this service completely free of charge.

Indicate your route

Search for and find the closest car-share service to your city.

Example: Barcelona

Example: Girona
  • Your location:
  • Carpooling
  • Regular journey between sevilla, Calle de la Ardilla 9, Sevilla (Sevilla) to P.I:B.O., Av de Ginés 14, Bollullos de la Mitación (Sevilla)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for people to come with me + I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Driver + Passenger)
  • Created months by Jesús Miguel (Male, 64 years, with a car)
  • Regular journey between Castelldefels (Barcelona) to Sentmenat (Barcelona)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for people to come with me + I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Driver + Passenger)
  • Created months by Iñaki (Male, 48 years, with a car)
  • Regular journey between El Astillero (Cantabria) to Arrigorriaga (Bizkaia)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for people to come with me + I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Driver + Passenger)
  • Created months by Ignacio (Male, 59 years, with a car)
  • Regular journey between Calafell (Tarragona) to Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for people to come with me + I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Driver + Passenger)
  • Created months by Leonor (Female, 54 years, with a car)
  • Regular journey between Lugo (Lugo) to Rábade (Lugo)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for people to come with me + I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Driver + Passenger)
  • Created months by Ivan (Male, 46 years, with a car)
  • 24-01-2009 between Ensanche, Pamplona (Navarra) to Almería (Almería)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for people to come with me + I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Driver + Passenger)
  • Created months by Miguel (Male, 76 years, with a car)
  • Regular journey between Eibar (Gipuzkoa) to Eibar (Gipuzkoa)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for people to come with me + I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Driver + Passenger)
  • Created months by Estibaliz (Female, 45 years, No car)
  • Regular journey between Valdepiélagos (Madrid) to Calle de Albarracín, Madrid (Madrid)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for people to come with me + I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Driver + Passenger)
  • Created months by Paula (Female, 45 years, with a car)
  • Regular journey between Elgoibar (Gipuzkoa) to Elgoibar (Gipuzkoa)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for people to come with me + I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Driver + Passenger)
  • Created months by Miguel Angel (Male, 53 years, No car)
  • Regular journey between La Batlloria (Barcelona) to Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)
  • Means of travel: I'm looking for people to come with me + I'm looking for someone who'll drive me (Driver + Passenger)
  • Created months by Marc (Male, 49 years, with a car)
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