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Found: 241 journeys matching your route between Getxo, Getxo (Bizkaia) to Neiker, Vitoria (Álava)
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- Regular journey between Getxo (Bizkaia) to Gasteiz (Álava)
- Created months by Julen (, 28 years, )
- Getxotik Gasteizera joan behar naiz ikastetxe batera irakasle bezela. Gastuak elkarrekin ordaintzeko egoera aztertuko litzateke.
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- Regular journey between Getxo (Bizkaia) to Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava)
- Created months by ANTONIO (, 64 years, )
- Viaje diario (L-V) (Por ahorro, tardando solo 10 mn más, voy por Barazar, son 15 km menos.) * IDA: desde Algorta-Getxo (salida: 06:45) hasta Vitoria (llegada 08:00) (Ambulatorio Olaguibel, al lado del hospital de Santiago) * VUELTA: desde Vitoria (ídem) (salida: 15:00) hasta Algorta-Getxo (llegada 16:10)
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- Regular journey between Getxo (Bizkaia) to Gasteiz (Álava)
- Created months by Lucia (, 33 years, )
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- Regular journey between Getxo, Getxo (Bizkaia) to Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava)
- Created months by saioa (, 47 years, )
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- Regular journey between Getxo (Bizkaia) to Vitoria (Álava)
- Created months by JUAN (, 62 years, )
- Poligono Jundiz. Horario flexible. No fumador
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