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Found: 211 journeys matching your route between Basauri (Bizkaia) to Zumaia (Gipuzkoa)
- Precision: 85 %
- Regular journey between IMD (ARTUNDUAGA), Basauri (Bizkaia) to salida de ap8, Zestoa (Gipuzkoa)
- Created months by Beatriz (, 47 years, )
- Lo ideal sería llevar unos días uno el coche y otros días el otro, así compartir gastos y cansancio jeje Salgo de Basauri y llego a la salida de ap8 de Zumaia_zestoa Voy sola
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- Precision: 84 %
- Regular journey between Bilbao (Bizkaia) to Zestoa (Gipuzkoa)
- Created months by Nacho (, 54 years, )
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- Precision: 76 %
- Regular journey between Bilbao (Bizkaia) to Mendaro (Gipuzkoa)
- Created months by miguel (, 57 years, )
- Tres plazas disponibles. El horario es a turnos.
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- Precision: 74 %
- Regular journey between Bilbao (Bizkaia) to Ondarroa (Bizkaia)
- Created months by IMANOL (, 24 years, )
- Comparto gastos y me adapto a los horarios
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- Precision: 74 %
- Regular journey between Bilbao (Bizkaia) to Tecnalia, Azpeitia (Gipuzkoa)
- Created months by Gurutze (, 41 years, )
- Busco gente para compartir coche. Mi idea es llevar coche cada semana unx y compartir gastos.
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