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Found: 80 journeys matching your route between Can Sola del Recó , Matadepera (Barcelona) to ALMEDA, Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona)
- Precision: 71 %
- Regular journey between Sabadell (Barcelona) to edifici inmocaral, Sant Joan Despí (Barcelona)
- Created months by servi (, 61 years, )
- Hi ha ocasions que no torno a la meteixa hora
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- Precision: 70 %
- Regular journey between Sabadell (Barcelona) to Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona)
- Created months by Sara (, 34 years, )
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- Precision: 70 %
- Regular journey between Sabadell (Barcelona) to Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona)
- Created months by DAVID (, 51 years, )
- tres places disponibles, viatjo sol, compartir despesses
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- Precision: 68 %
- Regular journey between Matadepera (Barcelona) to Barcelona (Barcelona)
- Created months by Xavi (, 47 years, )
- Viatge diaria a Barcelona , Via Augusta. Passo pels Túnels de Vallvidrera. Tinc dues places disponibles. Interessat en compartir gastos ( gasolina i peatge).
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- Precision: 68 %
- Regular journey between Centro de Terrasa, Terrassa (Barcelona) to A donde nos venga bien a ambos/Centro, Carrer del Comte d'Urgell, Barcelona (Barcelona)
- Created months by Albert (, 56 years, )
- Busco cotxe per anar a la zona de Comte d'Urgell. Si vas a un altre lloc però tinc combinació de metro per arribar-hi, em puc adaptar.
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