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Found: 247 journeys matching your route between Iurreta (Bizkaia) to Irún (Gipuzkoa)
- Precision: 100 %
- Regular journey between Iurreta (Bizkaia) to Irún (Gipuzkoa)
- Created months by Maite (, 35 years, )
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- Precision: 83 %
- Regular journey between Eibar, Eibar (Gipuzkoa) to Irún, Irún (Gipuzkoa)
- Created months by Tanit (, 43 years, )
- Eibar-Irun eta Irun-Eibar bidaiak egiten ditut egunero. Autoa eta gastuak konpartizeko norbaiten bila nabil. Eibarren 8.00etan ateratzen naiz eta bueltan Irunen 17.00etan.
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- Precision: 79 %
- Regular journey between Larrabetzu (Bizkaia) to Irún, Irún (Gipuzkoa)
- Created months by iker (, 50 years, )
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- Precision: 77 %
- Regular journey between 48215 Iurreta, Bizkaia, Espainia, Durango (Bizkaia) to Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Uniberts, Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
- Created months by Jon (, 43 years, )
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- Precision: 76 %
- Regular journey between Durango (Bizkaia) to Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
- Created months by Amelia (, 55 years, )
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