Network of cities, companies and organisations that encourage the car-share service

Registered users: 82953

Online users: 3 enables you to find people who, like you, want to share a journey.

It works thanks to local authorities, companies and organisations that a members of the network and offer you this service completely free of charge.

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Example: Barcelona

Example: Girona

Find journeys

Found: 241 journeys matching your route between Sopelana (Bizkaia) to Miñano Mayor (Álava)

  • Precision: 83 %
  • Regular journey between Getxo, Getxo (Bizkaia) to Campus Álava, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava)
  • Created months by Ageda (Female, 35 years, with a car)
  • 3 plazas disponibles. Salgo de Las Arenas, pero puedo recoger a gente en cualquier parte de Getxo, Leioa, Erandio o Bilbao. Me gustaría compartir los gastos de desplazamiento.
  • Precision: 83 %
  • Regular journey between Centro de leioa, Leioa (Bizkaia) to Upv, Gasteiz (Álava)
  • Created months by Trini (Female, 69 years, with a car)
  • Viajó diariamente de Leioa a la UPV Donostia. Hora de llegada y vuelta de 8:00 a 15:00. Telef. 627741000
  • Precision: 83 %
  • Regular journey between Leioa (Bizkaia) to Polígono JUNDIZ, Vitoria (Álava)
  • Created months by JUAN (Male, 63 years, with a car)
  • Voy a diario desde Leioa o cercanias al Polígono de Jundiz en Vitoria. Horario algo Flexible. No fumador.
  • Precision: 83 %
  • Regular journey between MegaPark, Barakaldo (Bizkaia) to Fray Francisco de Vitoria Ibilbidea, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava)
  • Created months by Jon ander (Male, 40 years, with a car)
  • Hola busco compartir coche en septiembre voy empezar a ir por las tardes a estudiar unas asignaturas que me faltan asta Vitoria de lunes a viernes busco la manera de economizar
  • Precision: 82 %
  • Regular journey between Parque de Santurtzi, 1, 48980 Santurce, Vizcaya, España, Santurtzi (Bizkaia) to Polígono JUNDIZ, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava)
  • Created months by CRISTINA (Female, 34 years, with a car)
  • Hola! Viajo regularmente por trabajo desde Santurtzi (06:30 aprox) a Vitoria-Poligono Jundiz (07:35h aprox). Puedo adaptarme a municipios cercanos a Santurtzi que sean cercanos.

Route map

Financial and environmental saving if you share this journey

CO2 emissions in Kg for the journey
Travellers sharing 2 3 4 5
Saving (€)
Saving (Kg between CO2)

Financial and environmental cost if you don't share this journey

Financial cost of the journey :

  • Conventional car: €.
  • Electric vehicle: €.

Environmental cost of the journey :

  • Conventional car: Kg between CO2
  • Electric vehicle: Kg between CO2

Approx. distance:

Approximate time: