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Found: 72 journeys matching your route between Barrio Casco Histórico, Toledo (Toledo) to UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS (CAMPUS ALCORCÓN), Alcorcón (Madrid)
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- Regular journey between Barrio Casco Histórico, Toledo (Toledo) to UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS (CAMPUS ALCORCÓN), Alcorcón (Madrid)
- Created months by Alberto (, 41 years, )
- El trayecto es Toledo (Puerta de Bisagra) Alcorcón ( campus URJC - Facultad Ciencias de la Salud). Hay 4 plazas disponibles y posibilidad de parar en municipios de la ruta. Podemos negociar precio o compartir gastos
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- Precision: 100 %
- Regular journey between Toledo (Toledo) to Poligono ventorro del cano, Alcorcón (Madrid)
- Created months by Sonia (, 47 years, )
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- Precision: 100 %
- Regular journey between Toledo (Toledo) to Alcorcón (Madrid)
- Created months by Sonia (, 47 years, )
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- Precision: 98 %
- Regular journey between Estacion de RENFE, Toledo (Toledo) to Alcorcón, Madrid, España, Alcorcón (Madrid)
- Created months by LUIS MIGUEL (, 49 years, )
- Tengo 2 plazas libres.
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- Precision: 97 %
- Regular journey between Colegio El Greco, Toledo (Toledo) to Alcorcón (Madrid)
- Created months by Mayte (, 42 years, )
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